- Greg Bustin - https://bustin.com -

Ich bin ein Berliner

Tomorrow is the 50th anniversary of #PresidentJohn F.Kennedy’s speech in #WestBerlin.

In this Cold War-era speech before 450,000 people near the #BerlinWall, #JFK delivered in German the memorable line #IchbineinBerliner, “I am a Berliner.”

JFK’s purpose in making the speech was to show support for West Berliners living deep within Communist East Germany and who feared Soviet occupation. It was a speech celebrating the principles of freedom.

“And it is not enough to merely say it,” JFK had said. “we must live it.”

What are your organization’s #values? Your #beliefs? Your #principles?

Are they just cheap words? Or are you living them?

Rate your organization’s #culture by taking this free accountability in the workplace assessment.