- Greg Bustin - https://bustin.com -

The Impact of accountability

Staples Canada is spending big bucks to manage employee accountability.


The small and mid-sized companies that I work with drive accountability through peer-to-peer relationships – not by spending an arm and a leg on big-ticket technology programs.
Peer-to-peer accountability starts with engaged employees who 1) know what’s expected of them, 2) are empowered to make decisions and 3) supports a peer who’s struggling.

Engaged employees – those that are committed to your mission, vision and values – will help you drive your performance. And your profits.

Consider this statistic. A Gallup study found that earnings per share grew 2.6 times more among those companies with top-quartile employee engagement levels than among those companies with below-average engagement levels.

Here’s a scary statistic. Another Gallup study – announced over the past Labor Day weekend – estimates the “cost of U.S. disengagement at a staggering $300 billion annually.”

What is lack of accountability costing you?

Unhappy customers? Lower profits? Credibility for not addressing under-performance?

Consider my 1-day accountability workshop March 30 in Dallas that’s loaded with exercises, tools and tips for delivering driving accountability in your organization.