Why do you do what you do?
Is it only for the money, the cash, the moolah?
Or is it something else?
Sure, money’s important.
But what drives you? What causes you to make the sacrifices you make?
Ever wonder what drives your colleagues?
The best advice my father gave me was this: “Do what you love doing, with people you really care about at a place you really care about.”
What about the money, I asked? It will come, he replied.
After years spent growing my firm for the wrong reasons and focusing more on money than passion, I’m happy to say that today I’m passionate about my work helping successful leaders become even more successful. Sure enough, my father was right.
So get your mojo working. The moolah will follow.
Learn More
To dive even deeper into the topic of accountability, I invite you to purchase a copy of my bestselling book, “Accountability: The Key to Driving a High-Performance Culture.”
Business schools teach case studies. Hollywood blockbusters are inspired by true events.
Exceptional leaders are students of history. Decision-making comes with the territory.